Sunday, December 22, 2013

Psychology Facts

Psychology Facts (Part 1) III

1. It's usually awkward & psychologically painful to make eye contact with someone who used to mean so much to you.

2. When you meet someone worth being with, you'll know. Generally, your heart will beat rapidly and you'll smile for no reason.

3. Thinking and or missing someone during the night causes a person to fall asleep clutching their pillow.

4. Shy people tend have great observational skills, making it easier to recognize the core of a problem then solving it.

5. Most people turn the music down in their car when looking for a street sign, so they can see better.
Psychology Facts (Part 2) III

1. People you meet accidentally are more likely to become some of the most important individuals in your life.

2. It is scientifically proven that eating with friends enhances the taste of food. It can also diminish depression.

3. Sometimes, it's best to keep quiet. Silence can say so much without you ever having to say a single word.

4. People automatically assume that you're mad at them when you're quiet.

5. Once the friend zone is established, it is said to be difficult to move beyond that point in a relationship.
Psychology Fact (Part 3) III

1. Bacon affects the brain the same way as cocaine, overloading pleasure centers in the brain and requiring increasing amounts to be satisfied.

2. Crying is actually very healthy - Tears lubricate your eyes, remove irritants and reduce stress, making you feel better.

3. Sometimes a person isn't actually shy. They're quiet because they refuse to associated with people they don't like.

4. Grades don't necessarily measure one's intelligence and age doesn't always define a person's maturity.

5. Your taste in music is literally a reflection of what you've experienced in life.
Psychology Fact (Part 4) III

1. Generally speaking, what seems like the right thing to do could also be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life.

2. If you don't do stupid things while you're young, you'll never have anything to smile about when you're old.

3. People who keep their hands in their pocket while around large crowds are generally anti social and or shy.

4. Random unexpected text messages can literally improve a person's mood and relieve stress.

5. When you stop expecting people and situations to be perfect, you can start to appreciate them for who and what they are.
Psychology Facts (Part 5) III

1.Hugging someone that you really miss can literally improve a person's mood and relieve stress.

2. Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social, they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people.

3. Sometimes a smile is a symbol of strength. Some people choose to smile even though they have every right to break down.

4. We seem to ignore the ones who adore us & pay more attention to those who ignore us.

5. The purpose of dreaming is to help clean up the clutter from the mind and provide a temporary relief from a stressful life.

Psychology Facts (Part 6) III

So this is the last for today. Gnight

1. If you aren't happy single, you won’t be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from people.

2. Psychology says, the person who tries to keep everyone happy often ends up feeling the loneliest.

3. Psychology says, never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.

4. A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can’t get very far until you change it.

5. Arguing lowers IQ, which is why people with an above average IQ prefer saying nothing, avoiding stupid arguments.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Remove The Stretch Marks!

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks :

Stretch marks are quite common in both men and women in their life span.Those are visible lines on the skin.In women stretch marks are very common during pregnancy time.Sudden growth of body,puberty period stretch marks will appear.They are some exercises and home remedies for stretch marks.

Appears on:

• Arms
• legs
• abdomen
• waist
• breast
• lower back


• Over stretching of skin contributes stretch marks.
• Sudden weight change
• Rapid body growth during puberty
• pregnancy

Home remedies for stretch marks:

Drink 5 to 6 liters of water daily will helps you in keeping your skin softly and elasticity.It produces collagen at normal levels.Think it as a internal moisture to cure stretch marks,have 1 glass of water before drinking tea/coffee etc.....

Grapes works as a effective moisture for stretch marks.Squeeze pulp from the grapes and apply it where stretch marks are present and keep it 20-30 min,then clean it with a lukewarm water.Not only helps in eliminating stretch marks and also prevent the re-occurrence.

Boil carrots until they become soft enough to mash and make it into paste.Apply the paste on stretch marks and leave it as long as possible for a better result.

Take 2 to 3 apricots and cut it and remove seeds crush them to make a paste.Apply the paste on stretch marks and leave it for 20-25 min,after that wash it with lukewarm water.Repeat this regularly for one month for a better result.

Aloe vera:
Aloe vera is a plant collagen which repairs the skin.Remove the outer skin of the 
aloe vera leaves and apply it on stretch marks leave it for 2 hours.After that wash it with normal water.

Tips :

• Exercises are preferable to get rid of stretch marks.
• Make sure your diet should be plenty of proteins and food rich in vitamins(C,E).
• during pregnancy apply petroleum gel on the abdomen(consult your doctor is it good for you or not).

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Problem Solved:: Couldn't Upload Profile Picture on Blogger

Change Your Previous Blogger Profile Picture

You can also check another tips::
Unfollow the unfollowers or the people who dont follow you back
Let people know your Tumblrthrough your sites
New on Twitter and get confused of the hashtag. See how to use hashtag or tag!

The problem for beginner on Twitter. How to use the new button, quote and RT-ing like a pro
Become a translator on Twitter will never be that bad
Having a big crush on One Direction member?

Uploading profile picture on Google+ seems so fast but why you can't upload even a small size picture fast on Blogger? You want to change your blogger profile picture? Then follow these easiest and simplest steps::
1. Create a Google+ account. If you had one already then just skip this step.
2. Sign In to Blogger
3. Upload your Blogger profile picture to your Google+ account. You can update your profile picture directly when you following one's blog.
4. Click Edit Pictures.

5. Then choose from Google
6. Choose your best picture in Google+ which have been uploaded.
7. You made it! It uploads successfully.
8. Click OK. Congrats ^^

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How To RT-ing (Quote)

How to Use Twitter with new features
I'm sure you just created your twitter account a few weeks ago. You gave up, then you found this site C:
I focus on the tweet. How to tweet!

You can also check another tips::
How to get more followers on Tumblr for you guys who are new on Tumblr C: Follow me, maybe. I FOLLOW BACK 100% #justshare lol
Unfollow the unfollowers or the people who dont follow you back

Basicly, twitter has ReTweet, Reply, Favorite button (I usually don't notice the right side button, so I forgot the name). You must have seen people RT-ing (but this is not the usual ReTweet) and you wonder how to communicate in such way. If so, you must follow these easiest and simplest steps to become more active on Twitter ;) ::
1. Use or go to the twitter application on your phone (Don't have it? Download it). Don't go to this website so boring down there~
2. You must see the new button in each tweet on your TimeLine (TL). Yep, It's to quote the tweet you want to. Click on it.
3. There are 3 choices. Choose quote then you can modified that tweet.
me as @YepItsReniPG and my friend @vinakarlina1 in a conversation on twitter
I tweet something, so it will be::

@YepItsReniPG               I'm in love with Justin Bieber

I'm in love with Justin Bieber is the tweet. Then Vina modified that tweet this way which is RT-ing::

@VinaKarlina1                  me too RT @YepItsReniPG: I'm in love with Justin Bieber

or modified this way::

@VinaKarlina1                  "@YepItsReniPG: I'm in love with Justin Bieber"

or this way::

@VinaKarlina1                  "@YepItsReniPG: I'm in love with Justin Bieber" oh so cute

and this way::

@VinaKarlina1                  ah so cute "@YepItsReniPG: I'm in love with Justin Bieber"

It's up to you. Choose the best one and your own style :)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Definisi dari Crush (slang word)

Untuk tulisan yang satu ini khusus bahasa Indonesia, oke C:

Want your blog automatically plays a song when people open it?
Become a translator on Twitter will never be that bad
Having a big crush on One Direction member?

What is BlueStacks and how to use it

Semenjak temen gue sebut saja Bunga mempermasalahkan pernyataan gue yang bilang 'I have a crush on him' ke cowok yang gue gak tau namanya (baru kenal sih, maksudnya gue kenal dia, dia gak kenal sama sekali kali ma guee) #pukpuk kesian -___-
Oke, jadi dia gak terima gue bilang gitu karna dia pikir Crush itu artinya gebetan! gebetan coy, gebettaaaann! Setelah gue pikir sejenak... gue mulai risih ama pendapat diee. Secara, seorang Justin Bieber pernah ngeluarin statement yang bilang 'I have a crush on Beyonce' dan ga mungkin donk Beyonce itu gebetan dia. Gilee ajee -,,-
Jadi defenisi dari Crush, artinya Crush, Terjemahan dari Crush yang benar dan tepat itu menurutku yaitu Jatuh Hati. Yap, bukan jatuh cinta ataupun gebetan. Oke, sekian. I still have a crush on him lol because I don't even know his name...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Get More Followers on Facebook

Free Followers on Facebook!

You can also check another tips::
How to get more followers on Tumblr for you guys who are new on Tumblr C: Follow me, maybe. I FOLLOW BACK 100% #justshare lol
Unfollow the unfollowers or the people who dont follow you back

Tumblr Widget so people get known your Tumblr account on your sites

Yayyy! Here they are! Some steps to get more followers on Facebook with the easiest steps to follow *....without the help from google and so on* Long time ago, Facebook only had add as friend button but as we know, Facebook now has the follow button like Twitter and Instagram. You don't need to unfriend people which had been on your friend list before just to confirm the friend request which you like better c: If you want to make friends more than that. You can surely make your account be followed by others. You can improved your Facebook account with that. Here are the steps to follow::
1. Don't play with your bio. When some random people see your account, they will probably check your bio first. Do you remember when you get attracted by some Facebook account but after you check the bio, you didn't feel like adding him/her as friend. You just left them. So, write something interesting on your bio from now on.
2. Make everyone can see you. We have our own private information. But don't be too stingky, I mean..hello.. It's Facebook, everyone's just playing around here. Choose public so eveyone can see you (except cellphone number or your address, make it only you)
3. Choose your best picture for Profile Pic. I don't mean to say most of people not put their interesting pic on their profile. But when you think it is your best one, another people may think it is not really interesting or something. Of course, not every single person in this world will absolutely love you but you may pick the best picture that not only you think that it is special but also make sure the others will think so.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to Use Tag (Hashtag)

Yayyy! Here it is!

You can also check how to RT-ing on Twitter.
As we know, tag or sometimes called hashtag is when you put some catchy words together (without space) eventhough it can also only a word.
ex:: #muchlove, #BELIEVEtour, #GoodPeople, #MakeAChange, #love
Yes, Hashtag can be identified with the # sign. The color of a tag or hashtag is different from the the other words.

Now, let me tell you How to Use Tag or Hashtag. Baca ini::

Makasih buat semua. Aku bahkan berterimakasih kepada hatersku, karna mereka yang tlah membentuk aku dihari ini #yaelah suatu hari nanti kalo aku udah jadi ORANG (kata mama, skrg ak masih bau kencur, jd mgkn aku yang skrg ini rerempahan, ketubar, jahe ati yg lainnya #abaikan) aku bakal ingat peran kalian semua. Tapi maaf kalo namanya mgkn agak lupa. Nama emang susah diingat, tp apalah arti sebuah nama jika hati kita selalu terikat~ *seketika muntah* kecuali wajahmu cakepnya kebangetan aku pasti ingat dg sendirinya *,* #apalagiini

see? * is different from # (hashtag)

the example in English..

Monday, August 26, 2013

Get More Followers on Twitter

Yayyy! Here they are! Some tips to get more/free followers on Twitter *...with the help from google and so on* Here are the easiest steps to follow::
1. Use "Team Follow Back", "Follow Back" and so on as your full name or your username on Twitter or you can also just put the #TeamFollowBack or #FollowBack in your bio.
2. Follow accounts which have the characteristics above and have the number of followers and following almost exactly same.
3. Follow the people who follow you back!
4. Don't unfollow (except when they unfollow you first)
5. RT and follow the ones who tweet they follow back
6. Ask people to follow you back by tweeting them
7. Follow my real acc here and for beliebers follow me here c: It would mean a lot. Ask for follback. Thank you :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sites Where You Can Unfollow The Unfollowers Instantly

You can also check another tips::
How to get more followers on Tumblr for you guys who are new on Tumblr C: Follow me, maybe. I FOLLOW BACK 100% #justshare lol
Tumblr Widget so people know your Tumblr account on your sites?

Yayyy! Here they are! Some sites where you can unfollow the unfollowers on Twitter or Instagram *...with the help from google and so on* Langsung saja
Itu situs terpercaya yang selama ini kupake. Kalo mereka orang yang emang suka nge-unfoll (liat selisih angka followers sama following listnya. Kalo followersnya kelewat banyak dibanding following, kemungkinan akun itu memang suka nge-unfoll orang-orang yang udah nge-follback mereka).
Nah lebih baik jangan langsung unfoll kalo mereka memang orang yang gak nge-follback kalian, soalnya ada kemungkinan mereka cuman belum nge-follback. Untuk mempercepat gak ada salahnya minta follback dengan cara mention/tweet mereka (walaupun ini kedengeran gak banget, semua orang udah biasa ngelakuin itu kok). Sekian :)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

True Story

Quote by Taylor Swift

Want your blog automatically plays a song when people open it?
You seem old-fahioned?
Arti dari crush apasih?
Become a translator on Twitter will never be that bad
Having a big crush on One Direction member?

"When I was a little girl I used to read fairy tales. In fairy tales you meet Prince Charming and he's everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Membuat Backsound untuk Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr dan lainnya

Want your blog automatically plays a song when people open it?
I'm not one of Taylor Swift fans but I guess this is an awesome quote from her
Arti dari crush apasih?
Become a translator on Twitter will never be that bad
Having a big crush on One Direction member?

What is BlueStacks and how to use it

Bingung yah cara ngebuat blog ada lagunya? Yayyy! Here they are! Some steps of course from meh! *...with the help from google and so on* to create a backsound for your blog. Here are the easiest steps to follow::
1. Go to
2. Select your platform. Ex:: blog
3. Follow the steps
Taraaa! Now you can enjoy the music on your blog ^^

Get More/Free Followers on Tumblr?

Make Your Tumblr Account Be Followed Back

You can also check another tips::
How to get more followers on Tumblr for you guys who are new on Tumblr C: Follow me, maybe. I FOLLOW BACK 100% #justshare lol
Unfollow the unfollowers or the people who dont follow you back

Yayyy! Here they are! Some steps of course from me *...with the help from google and so on* Here are the easiest steps to follow to get more followers on tumblr::

1. Create an interesting blog
2. Use the tags
3. Join the Follow Train
4. Follow blogs which have so many followers, or just follow the amazing ones. It makes your blog look more interesting when you re-blog their posts
5. Follow me, because I FOLLOW BACK 100%! Click here c:

Mengatasi Masalah “The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded” di Windows 7

Yayyy! Here they are! Pilihannya cuma bisa shutdown atau restart. Hampir mau bawa ni laptop ke tukang servis, tapi yaa ternyata bisa diperbaik sendiri :) Jika restart windows tidak mengatasi masalah, here are some easiest steps you have to follow if you find the eror message “The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded”::
1. Restart Windows dan tekan F8 untuk masuk ke Safe Mode.
2. Buka ke registry editor, caranya ketik regedit pada Start Menu > Search kemudian Enter.
3. Eksplore ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion \ProfileList
 tampak ada dua folder yang dengan nama berawalan S-1-5 (SID key) diikuti nomor panjang.
4. Ada dua S-1-5 (SID key) diikuti dengan nomor panjang (satu berakhiran .bak dan satunya tanpa .bak), lakukan seperti berikut:
a. klik kanan dan pilih rename pada folder tanpa .bak, tambahi akhiran .bk pada folder tersebut.
b. klik kanan dan pilih rename pada folder yang berakhiran .bak, buang akhiran .bak
5. Pilih folder tanpa .bak, klik kanan di RefCount dan klik option paling atas ketik 0 (baca angka nol)  pada value data 

 kemudian klik OK.
6. Seperti langkah 5, pada folder tanpa .bak, pada panel sebelah kanan dobel klik State dan ketik 0 (baca angka nol)  pada value data kemudian klik OK.
7. Tampilan akhir adalah seperti

jika sudah, tutup registry editor kemudian. Restart Windows dan login seperti biasa.
Ada cara lain yaitu bisa dengan masuk user profile lain (level Administrator) atau masuk Safe Mode tinggal buat user profile lain dan copy semua file user yang tidak bisa di load ke user profile baru. Namun ribet dan lebih lama.